Monday, August 8, 2011

living in the zombie appocalypse

For the past month I have been without a refrigerator. This has been an interesting challenge. What the hell to make without the miracle of refrigeration and the soggyness of icechest.
Turns out my abilities in this arena are limited. Especially with me also attempting to limit salt intake (canned foods are sneaky on this)

While I do now now have a mini fridge to keep some essentials in (quart of milk, butter) its still living in a mostly unrefrigerated world. And making me angry because the leftovers are wasted; with the summer heat I'd rather not risk food poisoning.

So....what am I living on?

Canned chilli, pasta with fresh yellow squash, ramen...yes the college staple jazzed up with veggies and canned broth vs packet. Canned chicken which smells like tuna...seriously. rice and nori. It's been...not fun.